Tuesday 5 March 2013

Meet the famalam!

So in my last blog, I touched upon my family a little, and I thought I'd use this next blog to expand on them, starting with me!
Night owl- 29, mum of two, wife of one. I'm the breadwinner of the family, working nights to support them. I'm a little bit crazy, but I love my family and my friends. That's enough about me, you'll find out all about me as we go!
Husband- 46, step-father to my children, plus 6 of his own. Puts up with me and my lunacy, and I love him for it! He's my support, the person I run to when things get hard, and the person I laugh the most with!!
Smelly- 11, my oldest child, a daughter, who is currently at the awkward in between stage. She is very smart, but also very daft!! She will be going up to secondary school in September which is in equal parts exciting and terrifying. She's ready, but I'm not sure I am!
Shakey- 8, a boy child, possible the funniest member of our happy little group, and half the time he doesn't even realise it. He's our rainbow when its cloudy.

My poor husband puts up with an awful lot. I like to think I'm quite smart, but my hubby tells me I'm 'book smart' not 'street smart'. One of his favourite ways of describing this is to say ask me to write a guide to how to walk to the shops and I will do so with vim, vigour and aplomb, cos I likes using the big words, but actually ask me to walk there and I'll trip on every kerb, and walk into every lamp post! A conversation we had a few weeks ago springs to mind. Whilst watching a television show, the was an advertisement for Halfords about car maintenance. Now, I do not drive, but I turned to my husband and ....

Me: I could change spark plugs
Husband: (skeptically)  OK then, how?
Me: Take the old ones out, and put the new ones in.
Husband: What do you do before you put them in?
Me: Blow on them!

At this point, the husband began to laugh, so hard he was crying, then proceeded to call everyone he could to tell them of my vehicular stupidity. I now know this is NOT what you must do before replacing spark plugs, but everytime I have ever witnessed someone fiddling with spark plugs, they always blow on them first!!
And that is the sort of thing my poor husband must contend with, on a near daily basis. It is possible I am an amalgamation of my children, and Smelly is more smart than silly, and Shakey is more silly than smart! We laugh so much in our house! Signing off....... Don't you, forget about me!


Thursday 13 September 2012

Just a little minute

Ok, so my first blog was quite a while ago and I thought I'd pick it up again. Working nights means things start to get a little peculiar inside my head around 3am so bear with me! Silly things become very funny, and,my emotions go into overdrive (I'm sure my workmates think i'm having a breakdown when i'm crying at comedy shows!) Another favourite thing of mine is talking to myself, i've scared many a workmate chatting away to myself. A typical nighttime chat with myself goes something like this:
Me 1-Where are my keys?
Me 2- Tunic pocket?
Me 1- Nope, checked there.
Me2- Trouser pocket?
Me 1- Nope, checked there too, you aren't being very helpful.
Me 2- Fine then, I won't help, find them yourself.
Me 1- Don't worry, I will!
(Awkward pause while I give myself the silent treatment)
Me 2- (Quietly) Are they in the door?
Me 1- Yes, thank you.

So this is a little insight into how my mind works at night!

Amongest my mad moments, I do actually work though, and whilst my job is rewarding, its tiring and stressful, and I love going home to my husband, and my two sproglets, affectionately known as Smelly and Shakey. Smelly is a very intelligent 11-going-on-30 year old, and Shakey is an extremly clumsy, but hilarious, typical 8 year old boy, currently obsessed with farts and all things generally icky, but I would't have them any other way! I'm sure they will feature in my blog, after all they are the main feature of my life! Signing off .......... Don't you, forget about me!

Monday 12 December 2011

Blog 1

Blog 1 Ok, so I'm new at this blogging lark, but I've decided to give it a go. I work nights, and have a bit of a pinball mind, so thought I'd start jotting my musings down for other peoples enjoyment!  So, recently my older brother died ( way to bring down a mood!) and it's made me think a lot more about enjoying life. In order to do this I decided  laugh with my husband more and play with my children more. This lasted about a week, before I realised my husband isn't funny, and my children are boring!!  Only joking, I love them all loads. I'm not a natural writer, I tend to ramble on, disappearing off on tangents so I hope you can follow me! I'm really into Twitter at the moment, tweeting celebs and getting excited when they tweet back, like they've suddenly decided they want to be friends with me!! Don't get me wrong, I'm not a stalker, I just enjoy that little thrill, but as my husband says, simple things please simple minds. Signing off now............. Don't you, forget about me!!!!